Privacy Policy

Thank you for using the Wake Up Wave application (hereinafter referred to as "we" or the "application"). We value the protection of your personal privacy and data security while using our application. This Privacy Policy is designed to explain how we collect, use, and protect your personal information. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully before using our application.

By using our application, you agree to the information collection and usage practices described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this policy, please do not use our application.

Collected Information

The types of information we collect are as follows:

1. Device Information: When you use the Wake Up Wave application, we may collect device information, including the device model, operating system version, and unique device identifiers. These pieces of information help us optimize the performance and compatibility of the application.

2. Personal Settings: We may collect personal preference settings you configure within the application, such as alarm times, reminder events, and ringtone choices, in order to provide you with a customized experience.

Purposes of Use

We collect and use your personal information primarily for the following purposes:

1. Service Provision: We use your personal settings information to provide you with alarm and event reminder services.

2. Application Improvement: We may analyze the collected information to understand how users utilize the application, in order to make improvements and optimizations.

3. Communication and Support: If you contact us for support or provide feedback, we may use the information you provide to respond to your inquiries and resolve issues.

Information Sharing

We do not sell, rent, or otherwise disclose your personal information to third parties unless:

- We have obtained your explicit consent;

- We need to disclose information in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, or legal processes;

- To protect our legitimate interests, enforce terms of use, or respond to potential security threats.

Data Security

We implement reasonable technical and organizational measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. However, due to the inherent uncertainty of internet transmissions, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of information.

Privacy Policy Updates

We may periodically update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in our information practices or legal requirements. We encourage you to review this page regularly to stay informed about updates to the Privacy Policy.

Thank you for reading our Privacy Policy. We look forward to providing you with a high-quality Wake Up Wave application experience.